Creating Your Sanctuary with Essential Oils
One of the joys most visited in our shop is the shelf containing our pure essential oil blends

Now that WA is opening up we face the high probability of having to stay home and isolate. Preparation of our sanctuaries might include a diffuser, if you don't have one. And a few of our beautiful blends:
Bush Breathe - to assist with breathing during upper respiratory tract infections, colds & flu
Protect - traditional blend from the plague days - a few drops in your sanitiser or in your floor or surface cleaners smells great & helps protect
Peace Blend - might be THE most popular - gentle and soothing
Welcome Home - specially good for fractious kids
Sleepy Blend - self explanatory, such good reviews of this
Sacred Space - traditional blend to purify and anoint rooms & spaces
Cable Beach Sunset - classic calming blend
Full Moon Rising or Intimacy - lovely sexy blends perfect for the bedroom
Celebrate - a new spicy blend perfect for convivial times with family or friends
Honey Myrtle + Lime - uplifting & stimulating, and great to counter bad smells
Joy or Light Heart - both citrusy blends to uplift
Woman Balance Blend - beautiful hormone balancing blend for women - ideal for the bath or used at 20% in fractionated coconut or jojoba oil in a roller as a perfume or directly on the belly to help relieve cramps.
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