Wild & Free Kimberley Soap
A soap to help cherish and protect our beloved Kimberley wilderness from mega extraction industries. Donations from the proceeds of this soap go to environmental conservation and protection groups. Contains pure essential oils of eucalyptus staigeriana (lemony) from Cape York, lemon myrtle, eucalyptus radiata, may chang, peppermint, rosemary and cinnamon.
For further information about current threats to Kimberley wilderness, see:
Also available in the colourful Wild & Free Kimberley Gift Box of 3 Wild & Free Kimberley soaps.
White and blue/turquoise on pindan (rust-orange). Contains pure essential oils to nurture strong nature and heart connections - lemon scented ironbark from Cape York, lemon myrtle, eucalyptus, cinnamon, rosemary, peppermint & may chang.